Monday, March 29, 2010

Walking through Holy Week: Making a little noise

Yesterday was Palm Sunday a day that we remember and celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem.

37 Jesus came near the place where the road goes down the Mount of Olives. There the whole crowd of disciples began to praise God with joy. In loud voices they praised him for all the miracles they had seen. They shouted,

38 "Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! May there be peace and glory in the highest heaven!"

39 Some of the Pharisees in the crowd spoke to Jesus. "Teacher," they said, "tell your disciples to stop!"

40 "I tell you," he replied, "if they keep quiet, the stones will cry out."

Luke 19:37-40 (NIrV)


  • A crowd was gathered along the road where Jesus was coming in to Jerusalem. What does this remind you of?
  • Is there anyone that, if they were coming to town, you'd want to see? Who? Why?
  • The people were praising Jesus "in loud voices." Why were they excited?
    • Have you ever been told you were too loud?
    • How did this make you feel?
    • If you're excited, don't you like to express that excitement loudly?
  • Why did the Pharisees think that the people were too loud?
    • Were the Pharisees threatened by Jesus?
    • Did the Pharisees think they were losing control over the people?
    • Do you think the Pharisees thought that if the people would quiet down they would be "in control"?
  • Why did the Pharisees ask Jesus to tell his followers to "shut up"?
  • What did Jesus say would happen if the people were quiet?
    • Have you ever heard a stone crying out?
    • If the people were quiet and the stones cried out, do you think the stones would have been louder than the people?
    • How do you think the Pharisees would have felt if the stones started crying out?
  • Were the people right in praising Jesus?
  • Was it appropriate to do so loudly?
  • What are some times you can think of that it is good to praise God in a loud voice?
  • Do you enjoy times like those?

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