Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Becoming a theologian: Where do we start

As we pursue becoming a theologian, we must pick a starting point. What is one thing that we can use through which God has revealed Himself and told us about Himself and told us of what He has done? If you're thinking the Bible, you're exactly right! We've studied a lot about God's word in Psalm 119 and Psalm 19 and 2 Timothy 3:16 among other places. Let's look at what the Gospel according to John says about itself.

But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.

John 20:31

We see three purposes mentioned in this one verse:

  • Knowing that Jesus is the Christ. In other words knowing that He was the Messiah. This relates to His purpose in coming to earth.
  • Knowing that Jesus is the Son of God. Here, it's talking about understanding the relationship between God the Father and Jesus, His Son.

  • Believing in God and having eternal life. In other words, the John didn't write this just so we could know about God but also so that we could believe in and know God!

We're going to use the Bible as the starting point for becoming a theologian. It would be helpful to know a little bit about the Bible.

  • What are the two major divisions of the Bible? The Old Testament and the New Testament
  • How many books are in the Bible? 66
  • What kind of books are in the Old Testament?
    • the books of the Law - telling the Law and how it came to be (contains some history)
    • History books - telling about God's people
    • Wisdom books - containing poetry, songs, and wise sayings
    • Prophecy books - containing prophecy
  • What kind of books are in the New Testament?
    • Gospels - stories about Jesus
    • Acts of the Apostles - stories about His followers
    • Epistles - letters written to teach believers in Jesus
    • Prophecy

Tomorrow, we'll learn a little bit more about the Bible.

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