Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Proverbs about Happiness

Today, we transition to a more topical study of Proverbs. One of the beauties of Proverbs is that there is such a diverse variety of subject matter contained in it. You can find proverbs about many different topics scattered through the pages of this book.

Today, we will be reading some proverbs about happiness. One of the Hebrew words that gets translated happy is 'esher which means "happiness, blessedness." Another of the Hebrew words translated happy is sameach which means "joyful, merry, glad." One other word that gets translated happy is towb which means "good, pleasant, agreeable." Lets look at some of the verses where Proverbs tells us about happiness.

Blessed is the one who finds wisdom. Blessed is the one who gains understanding.

Proverbs 3:13 (NIrV)

  • What leads to blessedness or happiness in this verse? wisdom

"My children, listen to me. Blessed are those who keep my ways.

Proverbs 8:32 (NIrV)

  • What leads to happiness in this verse? Obedience

Anyone who hates his neighbor commits sin. But blessed is the person who is kind to those in need.

Proverbs 14:21 (NIrV)

  • What leads to happiness is this verse? Being kind to others

If anyone pays attention to what he is taught, he will succeed. Blessed is the person who puts his trust in the Lord.

Proverbs 16:20 (NIrV)

  • What leads to happiness in this verse? Trusting God

Blessed is the one who always has respect for the Lord. But anyone who is stubborn will get into trouble.

Proverbs 28:14 (NIrV)

  • What leads to happiness in this verse? respecting the Lord

Where there is no message from God, the people don't control themselves. But blessed are those who obey the law.

Proverbs 29:18

  • What leads to happiness in this verse? Obeying God's law
  • So to review, what are the things we've just looked at that lead to happiness?
  • Which of these things are you already doing?
  • Which of these things do you need to work on more?
  • Do you think that these things will make you happy?


Thomas B Clarke said...

Kevin - Interesting that you chose Happiness for a topic. In categorizing Proverbs, I chose Joy which I defined as "heartfelt emotion that is shown as delight, happiness and pleasure." I found 32verses under Joy, including
v10:1,28; 11:1,10; 29:3,6,17

Tom Clarke
Author of "A Topical Treasury of Proverbs"

Kevin Brock said...

With my primary audience being my 9 year old son and my 6 year old son, "happiness" is perhaps a more familiar term than "joy" and thus maybe a little easier for them to understand. There were many more verses I would have included if my boys' attention span was longer.

Thomas B Clarke said...

Kevin - Please pardon my mistake. You said right up front that your audience is your children.

I think it is great that you are taking a topical approach to the Scriptures with your children. May your tribe increase.