Thursday, October 1, 2009

Wisdom: Hidden Treasure

We continue our series on Proverbs and come to a passage on asking and receiving wisdom. Let's read.

1 My son, accept my words. Store up my commands inside you. 2 Let your ears listen to wisdom. Apply your heart to understanding. 3 Call out for the ability to be wise. Cry out for understanding. 4 Look for it as you would look for silver. Search for it as you would search for hidden treasure. 5 Then you will understand how to have respect for the Lord. You will find out how to know God.

Proverbs 2:1-5 (NIRV)


  • This passage is structured like a big if - then argument. If you do this, then you this will happen.
  • These are the if things mentioned here
    • accept my words - the Hebrew word translated accept means "to take, get, fetch, lay hold of, seize, receive, acquire, buy, bring, marry, take a wife, snatch, take away." With such a broad range of meanings, there's a variety of ways you might accept wisdom. What matters is that you make it yours!
    • Store up my commands inside you - this implies not just storing up, but hiding and treasuring God's commandments
    • Let your ears listen to wisdom - don't just listen to wisdom, but pay attention to wisdom
    • Apply your heart to understanding - means to stretch out, extend, or bend your heart. Perhaps even make changes to your heart for wisdom's sake
    • Call out for the ability to be wise - implies asking out loud for wisdom.
    • Cry out for understanding - again implies using your voice to ask for wisdom
    • Look for it as you would look for silver - silver was valuable as is wisdom. You are to look for wisdom as if it's something you require.
    • for it as you would search for hidden treasure - How would you go looking for a hidden treasure? You might use a treasure map. When you get to the spot marked "X," you might pull out your shovel and start to dig. You would dig until you found the treasure.
  • If you do these things, "Then you will understand how to have respect for the Lord."
    • The fear (or proper respect) of God is the beginning of wisdom - it brings you wisdom
    • If you do all these things to seek after wisdom, you will respect God
    • which will bring you wisdom
    • which will cause you to seek more wisdom
    • which will...
    All of this goes in a circle which brings you more wisdom and more fear of God
  • Which ultimately leads to knowing God better and better.
  • How do you want to seek wisdom?

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